Reily Foods: A Success Story of Efficient Testing with TheTestMart

Sep 6, 2024Blog

    Founded in 1902 and headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana, Reily Foods Company has a rich history that spans over a century. What began as a small business focusing on coffee and tea has blossomed into a major distributor of a wide array of food and beverage products. However, like many growing companies, Reily Foods faced significant challenges when they transitioned to Dynamics 365 Finance, particularly in the realm of testing.

    The Challenge: Navigating the Complexities of Manual Testing

    As Reily Foods upgraded to Dynamics 365 Finance, the need for comprehensive and efficient testing became paramount. Initially, the company relied on manual testing, which quickly proved to be not only time-consuming but also logistically challenging. The process often required team members to travel for on-site testing, adding to the already burdensome manual effort.

    In search of a solution, Reily Foods turned to Microsoft’s Regression Suite Automation Tool (RSAT). However, they soon discovered that RSAT was not the silver bullet they had hoped for. The tool required extensive expertise to build and maintain tests, and despite their efforts, it did not deliver the expected reduction in testing duration or costs. The complexity and resource intensity of maintaining RSAT tests added to their frustrations.

    The Solution: Partnering with TheTestMart for Automated Testing

    Faced with these challenges, Reily Foods began evaluating alternative automated testing solutions and found their match in TheTestMart. The partnership with TheTestMart provided Reily Foods with a comprehensive, automated testing solution that drastically improved their testing processes.

    The key benefits of this partnership included:

    1. Reduced Test Duration: With TheTestMart, Reily Foods significantly cut down the time required for testing. What once took a team of four people up to three weeks could now be handled by one person in just two days.
    2. Resource Efficiency: TheTestMart offered Reily Foods the flexibility to essentially rent a dedicated QA department. This approach allowed Reily Foods to avoid the high costs of maintaining full-time testing resources while still ensuring thorough and timely testing support.
    3. Ongoing Maintenance and Support: TheTestMart didn’t just provide the tools; they also maintained and updated the tests for Reily Foods. This ongoing support ensured that every update to Dynamics 365 Finance was met with fully functional and reliable tests.
    4. Collaborative Partnership: The relationship between Reily Foods and TheTestMart was more than just transactional. TheTestMart’s responsive and supportive team became an integral part of Reily Foods’ operations, offering valuable guidance and assistance whenever needed.

    The Results: A Streamlined and Predictable Testing Process

    Thanks to TheTestMart, Reily Foods now enjoys a streamlined testing process that is not only faster but also more predictable in terms of both effort and cost. They’ve reduced their internal testing efforts from over 100 hours to less than 8 hours per update cycle, allowing their team to focus on more strategic initiatives. 

    Learn More About TheTestMart

    Reily Foods’ success with TheTestMart is just one example of how businesses can transform their testing processes and achieve greater efficiency. If you’re facing similar challenges in your own organization, TheTestMart could be the solution you need.

    Ready to revolutionize your testing? Learn more about how TheTestMart can help your business achieve faster, more efficient, and cost-effective testing processes.

    Contact us today to schedule a consultation and ensure your business is fully prepared for the latest updates. Let’s work together to streamline your processes and keep your operations running smoothly. 

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