Unlock the Power of Automated Testing in Microsoft Dynamics 365: A Sneak Peek into Our Best Practices Guide 

Discover How to Optimize Your Automated Testing Strategy with Proven Best Practices for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Businesses leveraging Microsoft Dynamics 365 need to ensure their systems perform flawlessly. Automated testing is crucial in achieving this goal, allowing companies to validate functionalities, ensure performance standards, and minimize manual effort. TheTestMart’s latest guide, “Seven Best Practices for Automated Testing in Microsoft Dynamics 365,” provides invaluable insights to enhance your testing strategies. Here’s a teaser of what you can expect from this comprehensive guide.

  1. Develop a Comprehensive Test Strategy

A well-defined test strategy is the cornerstone of successful automated testing. This guide highlights the importance of aligning your testing objectives with business goals and selecting tools that integrate seamlessly with Dynamics 365. You’ll learn how to design thorough test scenarios that cover critical functionalities, ensuring your system performs optimally under various conditions. 

  1. Establish a Dedicated Testing Environment

Testing in an environment that mirrors your production setup is vital for catching potential issues early. Our guide emphasizes the importance of replicating production settings, managing test data effectively, and regularly reviewing your testing environment to maintain relevance and accuracy. 

  1. Prioritize Test Automation Areas

Not all areas of your system require the same level of attention. By focusing on high-risk areas and balancing cost with potential benefits, you can maximize the return on your automation efforts. Continuous evaluation of your automation impact ensures your testing strategies evolve with your Dynamics 365 environment. 

  1. Implement Continuous Integration and Deployment

Integrating automated testing into your CI/CD pipeline can significantly boost the quality and speed of your deployments. The guide covers best practices for early automation, robust configuration management, and effective monitoring and reporting to streamline your development process. 

  1. Utilize Modular Test Scripts  

Modular test scripts enhance efficiency by being easier to maintain and reusable across different scenarios. You’ll discover how to develop reusable components, test multiple security roles, and leverage script libraries to make your testing process more efficient and scalable. 

  1. Conduct Regular Regression and Performance Testing

Regular testing ensures new developments don’t disrupt existing functionalities. The guide provides strategies for scheduling frequent tests, setting performance baselines, and adapting tests to new changes in Dynamics 365, ensuring continuous oversight and system resilience. 

  1. Engage Stakeholders with User Acceptance Testing

Automated testing is powerful, but human insights are crucial for assessing user experience. Our guide details how to automate UAT setup and cleanup, establish effective communication channels for feedback, and incorporate user insights into your continuous improvement processes. 


By adopting these seven best practices, you can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your automated testing for Microsoft Dynamics 365. Each practice contributes to a more robust, reliable, and efficient system, ensuring smoother deployments and more resilient operations. As Dynamics 365 evolves, so should your testing strategies to keep pace with new functionalities and industry demands. 

Download the Full Guide Today! Ready to revolutionize your automated testing approach for Dynamics 365? Download the full “Seven Best Practices for Automated Testing in Microsoft Dynamics 365” guide now and take the first step towards achieving seamless and reliable system performance. 

Seven Best Practices for Automated Testing in Dynamics 365

Ready to revolutionize your testing process? Click here to download the guide now.

Make your automated testing journey smoother and more effective with TheTestMart’s expert guidance. Don’t miss out on these essential best practices—download the guide today and take the first step towards flawless automated testing in Dynamics 365.

Exploring Two Automated Testing Success Stories for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Discover the Transformative Power of Automated Testing in Dynamics 365: Real-World Success Stories and Best Practices

In our OnDemand Webcast, we partnered with MSDynamicsWorld (MSDW) to showcase two remarkable case studies that highlight the transformative power of automated testing in Microsoft Dynamics 365. This webcast is a must-watch for any organization aiming to leverage technology to enhance operational efficiency and streamline business processes within Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (F&O) and Dynamics 365 for Sales (CRM). 

Real-World Success in Dynamics 365 

The webcast provides an in-depth look at how two innovative customers have successfully implemented automated testing strategies in their Microsoft Dynamics 365 environments. By watching this webcast, you will gain insights into real-world applications of automated testing that not only reduced manual effort but also led to significant efficiency gains. 

Streamlining Operations 

Both success stories focus on customers using Dynamics 365 F&O. Both customers were able to streamline their operations dramatically. By implementing automated testing solutions, they reduced the time and effort required for testing, which in turn accelerated their operational workflows and enhanced productivity across departments. 

Enhancing CRM Efficiency 

One of the case studies dives into the experiences of an organization utilizing Dynamics 365 for Sales (CRM). This customer tackled common challenges in sales and customer management by deploying automated testing tools. The result ensured consistent performance, accuracy in data management, and streamlined sales processes, ultimately enhancing overall system reliability. 

Best Practices and Methodologies 

One of the key takeaways from the webcast is the range of best practices and methodologies these organizations employed. Learn about: 

  • The selection of appropriate tools and technologies for automated testing. 
  • Strategies for integrating automated testing into existing workflows without disrupting daily operations. 
  • Techniques for maximizing the coverage and effectiveness of automated tests. 

These insights are invaluable for any organization looking to optimize their testing strategies within Microsoft Dynamics 365. Watch the webcast OnDemand. 

MSDW Webcast OnDemand

Overcoming Challenges 

The journey to implementing automated testing is not without its hurdles. The webcast also highlights the challenges faced by these organizations, such as adapting to new technologies, training staff, and modifying existing processes to accommodate automated systems. More importantly, we discuss the innovative solutions each company developed to overcome these challenges, providing a roadmap for others facing similar obstacles. 

Don’t Miss Out on Practical Knowledge 

This session is packed with actionable takeaways that can help elevate your Dynamics 365 F&O testing journey. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your approach, the practical knowledge shared during this webcast is sure to provide valuable insights. Watch the webcast OnDemand. 

Watching this webcast will equip you with the knowledge to implement more streamlined and efficient testing processes, ultimately leading to greater success in your Dynamics 365 projects. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the success stories of those who have already navigated the path. Watch today and unlock the secrets to achieving streamlined success in your own Dynamics 365 testing projects! 

View the OnDemand Webcast now!   

Test Capture Feature – Create Tests Easily

Streamlining Business Process Testing with TheTestMart’s Test Capture Feature

In today’s fast-paced digital environment, businesses must constantly innovate and optimize their processes to stay ahead. However, one of the challenges they face is ensuring these processes work flawlessly, which is where automated testing comes into play. Recognizing the need for an accessible, easy-to-use testing solution, TheTestMart has introduced its Test Capture feature, specifically designed for business users with minimal technical experience. 

Effortless Installation and User-Friendly Design 

TheTestMart’s Test Capture is a breeze to set up, with a one-click install extension available for both Edge and Chrome browsers. This simplicity extends to its operation. Users begin by clicking “Start Capture,” and the tool does the rest, recording all interactions with any website. This feature is particularly beneficial for business users who are often pressed for time and may lack technical expertise. 

TheTestMart Test Capture feature

Intelligent Automation and Support 

What sets Test Capture apart is its ability to transform recorded sessions into robust, re-runnable test scripts using advanced AI technology. After a recording session, the AI reviews the interactions and automatically generates a detailed test script. To ensure the highest quality and utility of these scripts, TheTestMart also offers the expertise of specialist testers. These professionals review customer tests, offering enhancements and insights to further refine the process. 

Tailored Features for Enhanced Testing 

Test Capture boasts a range of features designed to make automated testing both thorough and straightforward: 

  • Interaction Capturing: Every click and interaction are captured, ensuring that no detail is overlooked. 
  • Field Verification: Users can specify fields to verify, such as checking that a sales price is above a set threshold, adding an essential layer of validation to the testing process. 
  • Smart Commands: This innovative feature simplifies complex automation tasks. Whether it is navigating to a specific module, filtering data, or checking for system warnings, Smart Commands reduce the need for lengthy coding. These commands can be effortlessly integrated into tests, with automatic configuration via the Test Capture tool.

Test Capture Tool

Dual Utility: Training and Testing 

One of the most significant advantages of the Test Capture tool is its dual functionality. While creating automated test scripts, the tool also facilitates the generation of user training materials and documentation. This dual capability not only saves time but also enhances the consistency between training and business operations. 

Unique Advantages 

Compared to other tools in the market, TheTestMart’s Test Capture tool stands out for its user-centric design. It addresses the typical challenges faced by non-technical business users by providing a straightforward, efficient, and powerful testing solution. By integrating this tool into their workflow, businesses can ensure their digital processes are robust, error-free, and up to date, all while empowering their teams with the knowledge and tools needed for continuous improvement. Whether you are looking to enhance quality assurance or streamline training processes, TheTestMart’s Test Capture tool is your go-to solution. 

Interested in seeing the Test Capture feature in action?  

Book a demo and discover how this innovative solution can transform your business’s testing and training processes. Our team is excited to show you the power and simplicity of Test Capture—contact us to set up your personalized demonstration!  

Exciting Partnership Announcement: TheTestMart Welcomes Acumant

We are thrilled to announce that TheTestMart has formed a strategic partnership with Acumant, a leading global digital solutions and services company. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our journey to offer superior automated testing solutions that cater specifically to Microsoft Dynamics 365 environments.

About Acumant 

Acumant is renowned for its robust expertise in harnessing data from various internal systems, including ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms, to deliver meaningful insights that empower organizations to thrive in today’s competitive market. With a strong presence in over 10 countries and a track record of serving Fortune 500 clients, Acumant brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this partnership. 

Their expertise extends to the seamless implementation and maintenance of Microsoft’s product stack, which includes Dynamics F&O, CRM, Power Platform, and Azure Integration Services. Acumant is committed to delivering their services with a focus on agility, collaboration, and transparency, ensuring that solutions are tailored to drive success for their clients.

“We are excited to join forces with Acumant. This partnership highlights our dedication to providing top-notch automated testing solutions for Microsoft Dynamics 365. With Acumant’s expertise, our mutual clients will benefit from enhanced efficiency, compatibility, and a strategic edge, transforming their system integration and maintenance processes.”
TheTestMart CRO, Scott Boedigheimer

Why Acumant? 

Our decision to partner with Acumant was driven by their proven track record and their strategic partnerships with key players like Microsoft and Synerleap. This alignment ensures that we are at the forefront of technological advancements and innovation. 

Benefits for Our Clients 

This partnership will bring numerous benefits to our clients: 

  • Enhanced Testing Solutions: Leveraging TheTestMart’s automated regression testing solutions will reduce the implementation hours needed and simplify the update processes during long implementation projects. Acumant’s expertise will ensure that these solutions are tailored to the unique needs of Dynamics 365 users. 
  • Continuous Compatibility: With Acumant’s experience, our clients can rest assured that their solutions will be compatible with every new release of Dynamics 365. This means no version is ever skipped, and updates are timely and efficient. 
  • Strategic Advantage: The synergy between TheTestMart and Acumant will enable our clients to gain a competitive edge by reducing costs and enhancing the effectiveness of their implementation projects. 
  • Sustainable Practices: Our shared commitment to sustainability means that clients who are mindful of their corporate social responsibility will find a partner aligned with their values, ensuring that their corporate practices contribute positively to their brand image. 

Looking Ahead 

We are enthusiastic about the future and the myriad opportunities this partnership will bring to our clients and the broader market. By combining TheTestMart’s automated testing prowess with Acumant’s comprehensive digital solutions, we are set to revolutionize the way businesses approach system integration and maintenance. 

For more information about how this partnership can benefit your organization, or to schedule a meeting with our partner team, please visit TheTestMart’s Partners Page.


Q1 2024 Updates to TheTestMart Solution

We’re thrilled to share the latest updates from TheTestMart, our cutting-edge ERP automated testing tool designed to simplify and enhance your testing processes. With a focus on user experience and functionality, our team has worked tirelessly to bring you a host of exciting features in this update.

Here’s what you can expect:

🚀 All New Design

Experience a fresh and modern interface that not only looks sleek but also improves overall usability. We believe in making your testing journey as intuitive and enjoyable as possible, and our new design is a testament to that commitment.

UI Redesigned

Updated User Interface

📊 Advanced Reporting with Visual Change Detection

Our latest update introduces advanced reporting capabilities, featuring visual change detection for forms. Easily identify any alterations in your application’s UI and ensure your tests are always up-to-date. The addition of visual change detection adds a layer of precision to your testing process, allowing you to catch subtle changes that may impact your system.

Visual Change Detection

Visual Change Detection

▶️ Easy Playback of Test Scripts

Streamline your testing workflow with our enhanced playback feature. Execute and review your test scripts effortlessly, making the testing process more efficient and user-friendly. With TheTestMart, your test scripts are not just powerful—they’re also easy to manage.

Easy Playback of Test Scripts

Easy Playback of Test Scripts

🤝 Collaborative Reporting for Team Success

Collaboration is key, and that’s why we’ve introduced collaborative reporting. Create test reports and effortlessly share results with your team members. Foster seamless communication and teamwork within your reports, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Collaborative Reporting for Team Success

Collaborative Reporting for Team Success

📧 Email Notifications for Test Completion

Stay informed about your tests with our new email notification feature. Receive timely updates when your tests are completed, keeping you in the loop and allowing you to address any issues that may arise promptly.

At TheTestMart, we understand the importance of staying ahead in the dynamic world of ERP testing. This update reflects our commitment to providing you with a tool that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

Email Notifications for Test Completion

Email Notifications for Test Completion


Ready to elevate your testing experience? Speak to our team to get started.